Did you know the importance of including these
simple veggies in your meal that might help you
fight Vitiligo by firming your immune system and
food breakdown?

      Diet is an important part of cure for all of skin diseases. Diet for Vitiligo must be light and full of rich proteins. Pulses like split grams (moong daal and kala chana daal) are rich in protein and easy to digest. It is desirable to add split gram and green leafy
vegetables to everyday meal. Beet root is crucial due because it improves liver function. Dried figs (anjeer) and almonds (badam) are also useful for skin

         Now let’s see through the eyes of ancient Ayurveda!

   Apathya (meaning “diet to be avoided”): A Vitiligo treat is incomplete without apathy. It is so important to know the kind of food that will have negative effect on cure. Sore fruits (ambat padhartha) such as grapes, orange, tomato, lemon, tamarind, mango, guava, and gooseberry are to be strictly avoided. Milk products like curd, cheese, cottage cheese (paneer) and shrikhanda are all restricted to people suffering from Vitiligo. Pulsed black lentils must also be avoided. For, no-vegetarians it is important to note that it is strictly recommended to avoid eating fish and egg. All the above mentioned components increase white spots and slow  down the recovery process.

    Virudha Aahar (meaning “wrong food combinations”): It is important to understand the incompatible food items. If the person suffering from Vitiligo consumes milk with
fruits, milk with pulsed black lentils, milk with fish and also milk with salt it can increase the chances of different kind skin diseases. Furthermore, some habits which can be commonly seen in this generation like consumption of ice-cream or milk-based desert after dinner can cause poor ingestion. This is called Virudha Aahar, which something most of the people miss in their routine and have no idea of the impact such combination of food items can cause.

Hope this helped.....
Thank you.


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