
Image result for pomegranate

The favorite fruit of Ganesha next to mango is pomegranate. When one makes an offering of this fruit to the Lord, one is blessed with high positions in career, job, and government and also in educational levels. One`s status and position is elevated through offering this fruit regularly on Fridays.
Lord Ganesha is the supreme lord who removes all obstacles and destroys sins of his devotees. He is worshiped before beginning any activity for victory and auspiciousness. He has the power to remove all types of negative vibrations that cause hindrances and evil. Lord Ganesha can be invoked every day in the form of prayer by offering fruits, flowers, and ghee lamp and durva grass. A swastika symbol in red should be drawn in front of him or in rice flour to attract his blessings.
Pomegranates are among the healthiest fruits on Earth. They contain a range of beneficial plant compounds, unrivaled by other foods. Studies have shown that they may have several benefits for your body, possibly lowering your risk of various diseases. Pomegranate juice contains more than 100 phytochemicals. The pomegranate fruit has been used for thousands of years as medicine. Today, pomegranate juice is being studied for its many health benefits.
Benefits of Pomegranate

Vitamin C

The juice of a single pomegranate has more than 40 percent of your daily requirement of vitamin C. Vitamin C can be broken down when pasteurized, so option for homemade or fresh pomegranate juice to get the most of the nutrient.


Pomegranate juice can reduce inflammation in the gut and improve digestion. It may be beneficial for people with Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and other inflammatory bowel diseases.
While there are conflicting beliefs and research on whether pomegranate juice helps or worsens diarrhea, most doctors recommend avoiding it until you are feeling better and your symptoms have subsided.

Blood pressure

Drinking pomegranate juice daily may also help lower systolic blood pressure. But more studies need to be done to determine if pomegranate juice can decrease overall blood pressure in the long term.


Between the vitamin C and other immune-boosting nutrients like vitamin E, pomegranate juice can prevent illness and fight off infection. Pomegranates have also been shown to be antibacterial and antiviral in lab tests. They are being studied for their effects on common infections and viruses.

For glowing skin
The barks of pomegranate fruit and plant have exceptional wound healing properties.  Water, boiled with pomegranate fruit peels can be used to wash acne and pimple prone skin. It helps to remove dirt from pores and heals infected pimples. Drinking pomegranate juice helps to increase glow of skin and slows down ageing. Thus the aging signs like wrinkles and fine lines disappear with regular use of this fruit.
A lot of Ayurvedic preparations use pomegranate plant parts  are very commonly used by the people to reap amazing health benefits of Sour fruit of pomegranate can be good for rheumatoid arthritis patients who have an excess of kapha and vata in their body and a suppressed pitta. Pomegranate (Punica granatum) is also known as “Dadima” in ayurveda. Texts of ayurveda describe its immense medicinal properties and its uses to maintain human health. The fruit peel, seeds, bark and leaves of this plant are of great medicinal value.
Pomegranate is a treasure of nutrients.  It contains antioxidants like ellagic acid, punicic acid and omega 5 polyunsaturated fatty acid. The pomegranate juice is rich source of vitamin A, C and E. It also contains minerals like calcium, phosphorous, potassium, iron, folic acid, niacin, thiamin, folates and riboflavin.


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