Melasma is characterized by brown, black patches on the face usually found on both sides of nose, above both eyebrows, in excessive cases upper lips.Most common in women community.three phases in the woman in their life.PUBERTY, PREGNANCY, MENOPAUSE.

It is seen after pregnancy, sometimes it disappears automatically in few cases. Much more cases it will continue year by year. It affects on the beauty of face which matters most to women in such cases they feel restless about it. They feel inferior complex, nervousness.
Ayurveda -it is called Vyanga derived by the words -Vi +Anga.

Vi refers to vikruti and anga refers to normal body part
Charakacharya defined this disease which manifests due to vitations of vata and pitta .
Called in ayurveda tanu, shyama, mandalanvita.
Factors cause hyperpigmentation means Vyang
Aahar means diet is important in all diseases of Ayurveda .wrong food combinations causes blood vitiation, excessive spicy, sour foods aggravating pitta dosha.
pungent, sour and salty food

Modern Science specifies the contribution of factors -
Excessive exposure of sunlight.
Genetic factors-familiar predisposition
Endocrine disorders like Addison's disease, Thyroidism
Oral contraceptive pills intake for a long term.
Chronic liver disorders
Digestive disorders


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