Durva Grass

Image result for durva grass
Importance of durva grass-

Legends say that when Analasur, a demon was wreaking havoc in the three worlds, at the request of the Gods, Ganesha swallowed him. This caused terrifying heat in the stomach of the Lord. To cool the heat, Lord Indra gave him the Moon, but it did not help to quell the heat. Lord Vishnu gave him a lotus, it did not help. Lord Shiva gave a serpent to be tied around his stomach to remove the heat, it did not help. Lord Varuna showered him a lot of water, but still the heat continued. Then the celestial sages numbering 88,000 offered 21 blades of Durva grass each to Ganesha and the heat vanished. Ganesha said - “whoever with devotion offer me Durva would be pious and get Punya.” On Ganesh Chaturti, puja is performed to Lord Ganesha with the Durva grass and several other leaves and flowers. Such is the greatness of durva grass. It is the favourite of Lord Ganesha.
 Cynodon Dactylon (known as Arugampul ) has many popular names such as doob grass, durva grass, Bermuda grass, dogs tooth grass, conch grass and so on. Cynodon Dactylon has many medicinal and health uses. It also used as home remedies for various health problems.

It is religious for Hindus as they worship Lord Ganesha with durva grass. While this plant known as cynodon dactylon has been used as a traditional herb in ayurvedic medicine, the clinical properties of this grass makes it a popular natural aid for better health. Here are few reasons why this grass is far healthier than your think –

Bermuda grass nutrition facts- Cynodon dactylon has lots of nutritional values. The bermuda grass is rich in calcium, phosphorous, potash, potassium, sodium, manganese, protein, enzymes, carbohydrate, fiber, flavonoids and alkaloids.

It cures skin problems - Being a potent anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agent, durva grass is widely used in treatment of various skin problems like itching, skin rashes and eczema. Make a paste of this grass by mixing with turmeric powder and apply this paste externally on the skin to get rid of skin issues. It is also used as a natural remedy to treat skin diseases like leprosy and scabies. 

It purifies blood - Durva grass acts as a natural blood purifier and also helps in maintaining alkalinity of blood. It is very effective in curtailing loss of blood due to injury, nosebleed or excessive menstrual blood flow. It increases the production of red blood cells which in turn increases hemoglobin levels in the body and thus prevents from anemia.

It improves digestion - Digestive and stomach complications are quite common in this day and age due to unhealthy eating and increased susceptibility to diseases. But with continuous use of durva grass, one can lower their risk of stomach ailments in addition to improving digestion and bowel movements and curing constipation. It acts as a natural detoxifier eliminating toxins from the body and also reduces acidity. 

 Doob grass controls sugar-   In many recent researches, it has been proved that Cynodon dactylon has hypoglycemic effect thus helpful in controlling of blood sugar levels and reduces fatigue. Bermuda grass is also beneficial in prevention of disorders and conditions associated with diabetes. Doob grass juice along with neem leaf juice is good in normalizing blood sugar level. Even for chronic diabetes, the drinking of doob grass juice keeps the sugar levels in control. Drinking the juice empty stomach in the morning is good in normalizing the sugar level.


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