Psychology of Vitiligo patient’s
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Vitiligo patients do not suffer from any physical pain or discomfort associated with the disease unless it is part of another autoimmune disorder. So most of the trauma comes with the psychological effects patients have to deal with related to their appearance.  This can have a devastating impact on their quality of life and psychological health of the patient. Clinicians have to fully assess the impact Vitiligo will have on both of these factors and provide therapy which will help them cope with their diagnosis. The uncertain nature of Vitiligo makes the patient’s quality of life and psychological health the most important measure of the overall treatment. Vitiligo is a relatively common disorder that is characterized by depigmented patches of skin. Multiple studies characterize the overwhelming psychological burden that is experienced by many patients around the globe. This review examines personal patient stories and the impacts of age, culture, sex, race, and ethnicity in relationship to altered self-esteem and quality of life in patients who live with vitiligo.

The change in appearance caused by vitiligo can affect a person's emotional and psychological well-being and may cause lifestyle alterations, often becoming less active in social activities or wearing long-sleeves/pants year-round to cover visible vitiligo. Relationships may be affected by the poor self-image or lack of self-confidence. Many people find that the emotional stress increases as vitiligo develops on visible areas of the body such as the face, hands, arms, feet, or on the genitals. It is not uncommon for those with vitiligo to feel embarrassed, ashamed, depressed, or worried about how others will react. Adolescents, who are already concerned about their appearance, can be devastated. Patients need to let their doctor know if they are feeling depressed because doctors and other mental health professionals can help with the depression. Thus people suffering from vitiligo in India have more social problems than in other countries. This is seriously felt among young unmarried women. This is so because of arranged marriages. Thus a young woman with vitiligo has little chance of getting married. A married women developing vitiligo after marriage shall have marital problems perhaps ending in divorce.

Vitiligo is a condition in which the skin and hair lose color because the pigment cells (melanocytes) die, This makes you more prone to sunburn and skin cancer. Other than these effects, vitiligo doesn't directly affect your body. Many people, though, feel upset about the changes in their appearance.
Vitiligo is a prominent skin disease having major impact on quality of life of patients, many of whom feel distressed and stigmatized by their condition. Society greets vitiligo patients in much the same way as it does anyone else who appears to be different. They are started at or subjected to whispered comments, antagonism, insult or isolation. The chronic nature of disease, long term treatment, lack of uniform effective therapy and unpredictable course of disease is usually very demoralizing for patients suffering from vitiligo. It is important to recognize and deal with psychological components of this disease to improve their quality of life and to obtain a better treatment response.

Ayurvedic View
          The Ayurvedic treatment for vitiligo is a long-term process. Disturbed immune system is the most important factor for the result of treatment. In general, people with big vitiligo spots on their skin are likely to respond more noticeably while those with few and smaller spots, respond slowly to treatment. For best results, it is advisable to stay away from fruits such as oranges, sweet lime, too much salt in food, sour and fermented food items.
In Ayurveda, the reason behind autoimmune diseases is mostly virudh aahar sevan, that is, eating foods that are opposite in nature (such as eating fish and milk together). This result in toxin formation inside the body, which ultimately disturbs the immune system due to which the pigment producing melanocytes cells get degenerated, causing Vitiligo. Additionally, Vitiligo is said to be associated with certain auto-immune and inflammatory diseases such as Thyroid, Diabetes, Psoriasis and Pernicious Anemia. Vitiligo may also be hereditary that is, it can run in families. Children whose parents have the disorder are more likely to develop Vitiligo. Ayurvedic medicines for vitiligo can be certain formulations useful for this condition and some herbs.


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