A Case Study of Guttate Psoriasis with Psoriatic Arthritis

Onset of tiny real spot on head, this symptomatic  can be five year old. An year before my patient had joint pain, morning stiffness and difficulty in movement.

The joint pain was treated with an orthopaedic view. After that severe itching and tear drop like spot were developed. Flaky scales were seen. On one occasion we could fill a 2 litter bottle completely filled by scaly dandruff.

Stressful life, tension of securing a Job, Income and money pressure. Negative side effects of modern economy.

Modern View 
Environmental Stress, Working  at night, Recurrent Tonsillitis, Body Health and low stamina.

Ayurveda concepts
AMA stands for A-near, MA- poison or a group of substance near poison.

Patients’ symptoms 
Mandagni meaning loss of appetite, Bala bransha which is loss of strength and causes gradual increase in free radicals that results into auto immune disorders.


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