Skin is the largest organ of  the body. Both in terms of volume and weight.
The function of skin is as follows :


  • Skin maintains balance by avoiding undue evaporation of body water or absorption of it.
  • It maintains thermal balance by increasing sweating causes cooling due to evaporation of sweat.
  • Subcutaneous fat protects against excessive cold .it protects to our body from harmful dryness.        

The amount of blood flowing through the skin can be varied by peripheral vasodilatation and opening up of arteriosclerosis shunts.This can suitably adjust the core temperature .By peripheral vasodilation or constriction skin helps in maintaining normal blood volume.


  • The keratinized epidermis acts as an effective barrier against a variety of insults.
  • Mechanical - The skin is tough and the subcutaneous fat provides a cushioning effect against blunt trauma.
  • Chemical -it is impermeable to harmful water-soluble substances.
  • Biological -dryness, acidic PH and protective normal flora ward off infections
  • Radiational -melanin, the protective skin pigment absorbs a wide range of harmful rays and minimizes the risk of cancers
  • Other metabolic functions- in the presence of sunlight, skin manufactures vitamin D from cholesterol

Subcutaneous fat acts as a storehouse of energy in the form of fat .it is actively working on the dynamic fat metabolism.

SKIN not only serve the functions of  protective and sensitive interface between the internal milieu of the body and the external environment but also participating in regulates body temperature, water and electrolyte balance. Skin is a personality enhance organ and reflects any internal dis-ease sensation.


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