What is ageing?

Very specific characteristic of all long lived proteins in the body is, as they become aged, they turn brown and become fluorescent under ultraviolet light, they become more cross-linked, less soluble, less elastic and less digestible by enzymes.

Maillard reaction-  It is browning of long lived protein.
It is a chemical reaction that usually occurs between Amino acids and those carbohydrates known as reducing sugars. ultimately result in the formation of  ADVANCED GLYSYLATION END PRODUCTS(AGEs) .these changes leads to deterioration in structure and function of tissue protein.

AGE formation in vascular wall collagen appears to be an especially deleterious event, causing cross linking of collagen molecules to each other and to circulating proteins. This leads to plaque formation, basement membrane thickening and loss of vascular elasticity. the AGE contents of ingested foods are dependent on nutrient composition,methods of preparation and consequently changes in chemical composition of ingested foods.there is ever increasing evidence that fast food and processed food are more likely cause in this acceleration of age related health problems.

Ayurveda way back about thousand years have stated clearly that, GURU, MADHUR  rasa if taken in excess may lead to number of metabolic disorders .

This excess of diet, sedentary life style leads to development of AMA a known toxic product which is incapable for further digestion. Processing over the food may change it's activity and property. Heating, drying, cooking, frying changes the property and effect of the food on the body. It is explained in Ayurveda that accumulation of AMA creates number of diseases, which is said to be due accumulation of metabolic end products causing blockages in the srotras. View of contemporary medicine this AMA can be a most probably part of AGEs.


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