YES !!!! Nowadays all are running for our aims, ambitions. As well as our food quality will not worth. Ayurveda leads to ancient science from our rushi muni. It's gift to us from our history. According to classical granthas, Rasayana therapy is miraculous for arresting age, enhances intelligence, memory, strength, youth, luster, sweetness of voice and vigor. It is supposed to nourish all the body tissues (dhatus ) like blood, lymph, flesh, adipose tissue and semen and thus prevent degenerative changes and illness, thus gives freedom from chronic degenerative disorders. Rasayan is thought to improve metabolic processes, which results in the best possible bio-transformation and produce best quality bodily tissues and eradicates other diseases of old age. Rasayana builds natural resistance against infection by imparting immuno modulatory activity. Rasayana herbs with multiple combination processed by various methods rejuvenate body, skin, and detox...