Ayurveda suggested life style for 
psoriasis patient:-

Image result for psoriasis patient

Psoriasis flare ups in winter, patient who have medicine will be manageable by little care, But patient without any treatment have shown signs of worsening condition in winter.

Diet - The most important part for cure of all diseases Ayurveda recommended medicine with proper diet plan is the key. Patient’s intake and other factors causes toxicity in body that increases skin cell inflammation, dryness of skin, deep cracks of epidermis and itching, in short avoid these toxic enemies of body, namely junk foods, drugs, alcoholic drinks, smoke and most critical mental stress. It is recommended for use gluten free diet and avoids dairy products.
Tips for Winter Psoriasis

Smooth on moisture:-
Keep your skin moist to ease redness and itching, and heal psoriasis patches. The thicker the cream or ointment, the better it is at locking water into your skin. Use moisturizing soap and a creamy lotion after you shower, bathe, and wash your hands. Choose fragrance-free products to avoid allergic reactions.
Choose soothing baths over hot showers:-
 Long showers in hot water remove moisture from your skin. Shower in warm water just long enough to soap up and rinse off. You can relax in the tub, though. Sprinkle oil, finely ground oatmeal, Epsom salts, or Dead Sea salts in a warm bath. Soak for about 15 minutes to slough off scales, soothe itching, and unwind. Apply moisturizing cream or lotion right after to lock the water in.
Drink water:-
 To pump up moisture, drink plenty of H2O. You'll know if you're getting enough because your urine will be a pale yellow. If your urine is bright yellow or dark-colored, you may need more water.
Ease stress:-
 The winter holidays are full of cheer, but they also bring stress, which can make psoriasis worse. Plan time to relax. Try a massage or spa treatment to moisturize your skin and beat the winter blahs. Also, exercise relieves stress and may reduce flare-ups.
Lighten your mood:-
 Psoriasis can make you depressed. If you also have seasonal effective disorder -- depression linked to less sunlight in winter and fall -- these months are an extra challenge. If you're sad often, talk to your doctor. Light therapy or an antidepressant may lift your mood.
Improve your treatment plan:-
 If your psoriasis always gets worse in winter, talk with your doctor. You may only need to adjust your medications a little or get some light therapy.


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